小哪吒 (Neon God)

Issue 18 • Spring 2017


I have been working with one of the most vulnerable immigrant groups in the city to get their voice heard in the government decision making process for the past few months. It feels great to speak up, to be connected to a community, but sometimes suspicious to be so close to a group of people. Only free beings can be strangers to each other, when you start to share freedom, it is no longer freedom. The limitation of this kind of activism reveals itself when you draw any lines to identify or differentiate. I hate it when I'm forced to identify myself, chances are, you are either mistaken for another or even unsure about yourself. Of course there could be a thousand reasons why you should keep on doing it and I will keep fighting with the people I love, but I will probably forever be upset. I somewhat don't mind being upset, but if we don't start to reconstruct a better framework for conversation, I would rather say goodbye to language.