This issue of CURA contains the responses of 109 different people to this question—what story do you most want to tell. The idea behind this issue was to give exposure to as many voices as possible and to show that there is no one voice, no one story that is more important than another. The responses are completely unedited— and in some cases, untranslated— to maintain the integrity and authenticity of these stories. Titles were pulled from submissions by the editors for untitled stories.

Within our current political context, it is even more pivotal to seek out unheard voices. There is so much to be learned from the everyday minutiae of someone's life, from their experiences, from the stories they choose to tell. The bombast of each news day is overwhelming; it makes it easy to forget the strength we hold. Let's keep listening to each other. We will survive the next four years: we will do it together.

~ Lexi McMenamin & Taylor Weber